Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute PyODPS

PyODPS is the Python SDK of MaxCompute.


PyODPS is the Python SDK of MaxCompute. It supports basic actions on MaxCompute objects and the DataFrame framework for ease of data analysis on MaxCompute. For more information, see the GitHub project and the PyODPS Documentation that describes all interfaces and classes.

  • Developers are invited to participate in the ecological development of PyODPS. For more information, see GitHub document.

  • Developers can also submit the issue and merge request to accelerate PyODPS eco-growth. For more information, see code

Installation PyODPS

PyODPS supports Python 2.6 and later versions. After installing PIP in the system, you only need to run pip install  pyodps. The related dependencies of PyODPS are automatically installed.

Quick start

Log on using your Alibaba Cloud primary account to initialize a MaxCompute entry, as shown in the following code:

from odps import ODPS
odps = ODPS('**your-access-id**', '**your-secret-access-key**', '**your-default-project**',

After completing initialization, you can operate tables, resources, and functions.


A project is the basic unit of operation in MaxCompute, similar to a database.

Call get_project to obtain a project, as shown in the following code:

project = odps.get_project('my_project') # Obtain a project.
project = odps.get_project() # Obtain the default project.


  • If parameters are not input, use the default project.
  • You can call exist_project to check whether the project exists.

  • A table is a data storage unit of MaxCompute.

Table action

Call list_tables to list all tables in the project, as shown in the following code:

for table in odps.list_tables():
    # Process each table

Call exist_table to check whether the table exists and call get_table to obtain the table.

t = odps.get_table('dual')
odps.Schema {
  c_int_a                 bigint
  c_int_b bigint
  c_double_a double
  c_double_b double
  c_string_a string
  c_string_b string
  c_bool_a boolean
  c_bool_b boolean
  c_datetime_a datetime
  c_datetime_b datetime
2014-05-15 14:58:43
[<column c_int_a, type bigint>,
 <column c_int_b, type bigint>,
 <column c_double_a, type double>,
 <column c_double_b, type double>,
 <column c_string_a, type string>,
 <column c_string_b, type string>,
 <column c_bool_a, type boolean>,
 <column c_bool_b, type boolean>,
 <column c_datetime_a, type datetime>,
 <column c_datetime_b, type datetime>]

Create schema for a table

Two initialization methods are as follows:

  • Initialize through table columns and optional partitions, as shown in the following code:
    from odps.models import Schema, Column, Partition
    columns = [Column(name='num', type='bigint', comment='the column')]
    partitions = [Partition(name='pt', type='string', comment='the partition')]
    schema = Schema(columns=columns, partitions=partitions)
    [<column num, type bigint>, <partition pt, type string>]
  • Although it is easier to call Schema.from_lists for initialization, annotations of columns and partitions cannot be set directly.
    schema = Schema.from_lists(['num'], ['bigint'], ['pt'], ['string'])
    [<column num, type bigint>, <partition pt, type string>]

Create a table

Use a table schema to create a table, as shown in the following code:

table = odps.create_table('my_new_table', schema)
table = odps.create_table('my_new_table', schema, if_not_exists=True) # Create a table only when no table exists.
table = o.create_table('my_new_table', schema, lifecycle=7) # Set the life cycle.

Use a field name  field type string connected by commas (,) to create a table, as shown in the following code:

>>> # Create a non-partition table.
>>> table = o.create_table('my_new_table', 'num bigint, num2 double', if_not_exists=True)
>>> # To create a partition table, you can input (list of table fields, list of partition fields).
>>> table = o.create_table('my_new_table', ('num bigint, num2 double', 'pt string'), if_not_exists=True)

Without related settings, you can use only the BIGINT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL, STRING, DATETIME, BOOLEAN, MAP, and ARRAY types when creating a table.

If your service is on a public cloud, or supports new data types such as TINYINT or STRUCT, you can set options.sql.use_odps2_extension =  True to enable the new types, as shown in the following code:

from odps import options
options.sql.use_odps2_extension = True
table = o.create_table('my_new_table', 'cat smallint, content struct<title:varchar(100), body string>')

Obtain table data

Table data can be obtained using three methods:

  • Call head to obtain table data as follows (only the first 10,000 data records or fewer of each table can be obtained):
    >>> t = odps.get_table('dual')
    >>> for record in t.head(3):
    >>>     print(record[0]) # Obtain the value at the zero position.
    >>>     print(record['c_double_a']) # Obtain a value through a field.
    >>>     print(record[0: 3]) # Slice action
    >>>     print(record[0]) # Obtain values at multiple positions.
    >>>     print(record['c_int_a', 'c_double_a']) # Obtain values through multiple fields.
  • Run open_reader on a table to open a reader to read data. You can use the WITH expression:
    # Use the with expression.
    with t.open_reader(partition='pt=test') as reader:
        count = reader.count
        for record in reader[5:10] # This action can be performed multiple times until a certain number (indicated by count) of records are read. This statement can be transformed to parallel action.
            # Process a record.
     # Do not use the with expression.
     reader = t.open_reader(partition='pt=test')
     count = reader.count
     for record in reader[5:10]
         # Process a record.
  • Call the Tunnel API to read table data. The open_reader action is encapsulated in the Tunnel API.

Write data

A table object can also perform the open_writer action to open the writer and write data, which is similar to open_reader.


 # Use the with expression.
 with t.open_writer(partition='pt=test') as writer:
     writer.write(records) # Here, records can be any iteratable records and are written to block 0 by default.

 with t.open_writer(partition='pt=test', blocks=[0, 1]) as writer: # Open two blocks at the same time
     writer.write(0, gen_records(block=0))
     writer.write(1, gen_records(block=1)) # The two write operations can be parallel in multiple threads. Each block is independent.

 # Do not use the WITH expression.
 writer = t.open_writer(partition='pt=test', blocks=[0, 1])
 writer.write(0, gen_records(block=0))
 writer.write(1, gen_records(block=1))
 writer.close() # You must close the writer. Otherwise, the written data may be incomplete.

Similarly, writing data into the table is encapsulated in the Tunnel API.

Delete a table

Delete a table as shown in the following code:

odps.delete_table('my_table_name', if_exists=True) # Delete a table only when the table exists
 t.drop() # The drop function can be directly executed if a table object exists.

Table partitioning

  • Basic operations

    Traverse all partitions of a table as shown in the following code:

    for partition in table.partitions:
     for partition in table.iterate_partitions(spec='pt=test'):
        Traverse list partitions.

    Check whether a partition exists as shown in the following code:


    Obtain the partition as shown in the following code:

     partition = table.get_partition('pt=test')
    2015-11-18 22:22:27
  • Create a partition
     t.create_partition('pt=test', if_not_exists=True) # Create a partition only when no partition exists.
  • Delete a partition
     t.delete_partition('pt=test', if_exists=True) # Delete a partition only when the partition exists.
     partition.drop() # Directly drop a partition if a partition object exists.


PyODPS supports MaxCompute SQL query and can directly read the execution results.

  • Run the SQL statements
     odps.execute_sql('select * from dual') # Run SQL in synchronous mode. Blocking continues until SQL execution is completed.
     instance = odps.run_sql('select * from dual') # Run the SQL statements in asynchronous mode.
    instance.wait_for_success() # Blocking continues until SQL execution is completed.
  • Read the SQL statement execution results

    The instance that runs the SQL statements can directly perform the open_reader action. In one scenario, the SQL statements return structured data, as follows:

    with odps.execute_sql('select * from dual').open_reader() as reader:
        for record in reader:
            # Process each record.

In the second scenario, the actions that may be performed by SQL, such as desc, obtain the raw SQL execution result through the reader.raw attribute, as follows:

with odps.execute_sql('desc dual').open_reader() as reader:


Resources commonly apply to UDF and MapReduce on MaxCompute.

You can use list_resources to list all resources and use exist_resource to check whether a resource exists. You can call delete_resource to delete resources or directly call the drop method for a resource object.

PyODPS mainly supports two resource types: file resources and table resources.

  • File resources

    File resources include the basic file type, and pyjar, and archive.

    Note In DataWorks, file resources in the py format must be uploaded as files.

    Create a file resource

    Create a file resource by specifying the resource name, file type, and a file-like object (or a string object), as shown in the following example:

    resource = odps.create_resource('test_file_resource', 'file', file_obj=open('/to/path/file')) # Use a file-like object.
    resource = odps.create_resource('test_py_resource', 'py', file_obj='import this') # Use a string.

    Read and modify a file resource

    You can call the open method for a file resource or call open_resource at the MaxCompute entry to open a file resource. The opened object is a file-like object. Similar to the open method built in Python, file resources also support the open mode.


     with'r') as fp: # Open a resource in read mode.
        content = # Read all content. # Return to the start of the resource.
        lines = fp.readlines() # Read multiple lines.
        fp.write('Hello World') # Error. Resources cannot be written in read mode.
    with odps.open_resource('test_file_resource', mode='r+') as fp: # Enable read/write mode.
        fp.tell() # Current position
        fp.truncate() # Truncate the following content.
        fp.writelines(['Hello\n', 'World\n']) # Write multiple lines.
        fp.write('Hello World')
        fp.flush() # Manual call submits the update to MaxCompute.

    The following open modes are supported:

    • r: Read mode. The file can be opened but cannot be written.
    • w: Write mode. The file can be written but cannot be read. Note that file content is cleared first if the file is opened in write mode.
    • a: Append mode. Content can be added to the end of the file.
    • r+: Read/write mode. You can read and write any content.
    • w+: Similar to r+, but file content is cleared first.
    • a+: Similar to r+, but content can be added at the end of the file only during writing.

    In PyODPS, file resources can be opened in a binary mode. For example, some compressed files must be opened in binary mode.  rb indicates opening a file in binary read mode, and r+b indicates opening a file in binary read/write mode.

  • Table resources

    Create a table resource

    >>> odps.create_resource('test_table_resource', 'table', table_name='my_table', partition='pt=test')

    Update a table resource

    >>> table_resource = odps.get_resource('test_table_resource')
    >>> table_resource.update(partition='pt=test2', project_name='my_project2')


PyODPS offers DataFrame API, which provides interfaces similar to pandas, but can fully utilize computing capability of MaxCompute. For more information, see DataFrame.

The following is an example of DataFrame:

Note You must create a MaxCompute object before starting the following steps:
o = ODPS('**your-access-id**', '**your-secret-access-key**',
             project='**your-project**', endpoint='**your-end-point**'))

Here, movielens 100K is used as an example. Assume that three tables already exist, namely, pyodps_ml_100k_movies (movie-related data), pyodps_ml_100k_users (user-related data), and pyodps_ml_100k_ratings (rating-related data).

You only need to input a Table object to create a DataFrame object. For example:

from odps.df import DataFrame
users = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_ml_100k_users'))

View fields of DataFrame and the types of the fields through the dtypes attribute, as shown in the following code:


You can use the head method to obtain the first N data records for data preview.


user_id age sex occupation zip_code
0 1 24 M technician 85711
1 2 53 F other 94043
2 3 23 M writer 32067
3 4 24 M technician 43537
4 5 33 F other 15213
5 6 42 M executive 98101
6 7 57 M administrator 91344
7 8 36 M administrator 05201
8 9 29 M student 01002
9 10 53 M lawyer 90703

You can add a filter on the fields to view selective fields only.


users[['user_id', 'age']].head(5)
user_id age
0 1 24
1 2 53
2 3 23
3 4 24
4 5 33

You can also exclude several fields.


users.exclude('zip_code', 'age').head(5)
user_id Sex Occupation
0 1 M Technician
1 2 F Other
2 3 M Writer
3 4 M Technician
4 5 F Other

If you want to exclude selective fields, and obtain new columns through computation use the code as shown in the following example:

For example, add the sex_bool attribute and set it to True if sex is Male. Otherwise, set it to False.

Example:'zip_code', 'sex'), == 'M').head(5)
user_id Age Occupation sex_bool
0 1 24 Technician True
1 2 53 Other False
2 3 23 Writer True
3 4 24 Technician True
4 5 33 Other False

Obtain the number of persons between 20 and 25 age group, as shown in the following code:

users.age.between(20, 25).count().rename('count')

Obtain the numbers of male and female users, as shown in the following code:

Sex Count
0 Female 273
1 Male 670

To divide users by job, obtain the first 10 jobs that have the largest population, and sort the jobs in the descending order of population.


>>> df = users.groupby('occupation').agg(count=users['occupation'].count())
>>> df.sort(df['count'], ascending=False)[:10]
Occupation Count
0 Student 196
1 Other 105
2 Educator 95
3 Administrator 79
4 Engineer 67
5 Programmer 66
6 Librarian 51
7 Writer 45
8 Executive 32
9 Scientist 31

DataFrame APIs provide the value_counts method to quickly achieve the same result. For example:

Occupation Count
0 Student 196
1 Other 105
2 Educator 95
3 Administrator 79
4 Engineer 67
5 Programmer 66
6 Librarian 51
7 Writer 45
8 Executive 32
9 Scientist 31

Show data in a more intuitive graph, as shown in the following code:

%matplotlib inline

Use a horizontal bar chart to visualize data, as shown in the following code:

users['occupation'].value_counts().plot(kind='barh', x='occupation', 

Divide ages into 30 groups and view the histogram of age distribution, as shown in the following code:

users.age.hist(bins=30, title="Distribution of users' ages", xlabel='age', ylabel='count of users')

Use JOIN to join the three tables and save the joined tables as a new table.


movies = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_ml_100k_movies'))
ratings = DataFrame(o.get_table('pyodps_ml_100k_ratings'))
o.delete_table('pyodps_ml_100k_lens', if_exists=True)
 lens = movies.join(ratings).join(users).persist('pyodps_ml_100k_lens')
odps.Schema {
  movie_id int64
  title string
  release_date string
  video_release_date string
  imdb_url string
  user_id int64
  rating int64
  unix_timestamp int64
  age int64
  sex string
  occupation string
  zip_code string

Divide the age groups between 0 and 80 into eight groups, as shown in the following code:

 labels = ['0-9', '10-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-69', '70-79']
 cut_lens = lens[lens, lens.age.cut(range(0, 81, 10), right=False, labels=labels).rename('age group')]

View the first 10 data records of a single age group in a group, as shown in the following code:

>>> cut_lens['age group', 'age'].distinct()[:10]
Age-group Age
0 0-9 7
1 10-19 10
2 10-19 11
3 10-19 13
4 10-19 14
5 10-19 15
6 10-19 16
7 10-19 17
8 10-19 18
9 10-19 19

View users’ total rating and average rating of each age group, as shown in the following code:

cut_lens.groupby('age group').agg(cut_lens.rating.count().rename('total rating'), cut_lens.rating.mean().rename('average rating'))
Age-group Average rating Total rating
0 0-9 3.767442 43
1 10-19 3.486126 8181
2 20-29 3.467333 39535
3 30-39 3.554444 25696
4 40-49 3.591772 15021
5 50-59 3.635800 8704
6 60-69 3.648875 2623
7 70-79 3.649746 197


PyODPS provides a series of configuration options, which can be obtained through odps.options. The following lists configurable MaxCompute options:

  • General configuration
    Option Description Default value
    end_point MaxCompute Endpoint. None
    default_project Default Project. None
    log_view_host LogView host name. None
    log_view_hours LogView holding time (in hours). 24
    local_timezone Used time zone. True indicates local time, and False indicates UTC. The time zone of pytz can also be used. 1
    lifecycle Life cycles of all tables. None
    temp_lifecycle Life cycles of the temporary tables. 1
    biz_id User ID. None
    verbose Whether to print logs. False
    verbose_log Log receiver. None
    chunk_size Size of write buffer. 1496
    retry_times Request retry times. 4
    pool_connections Number of cached connections in the connection pool. 10
    pool_maxsize Maximum capacity of the connection pool. 10
    connect_timeout Connection time-out. 5
    read_timeout Read time-out. 120
    completion_size Limit on the number of object complete listing items. 10
    notebook_repr_widget Use interactive graphs. True
    sql.settings MaxCompute SQL runs global hints. None
    sql.use_odps2_extension Enable MaxCompute 2.0 language extension. False
  • Data Upload/Download configuration
    Option Description Default value
    tunnel.endpoint Tunnel Endpoint. None
    tunnel.use_instance_tunnel Use Instance Tunnel to obtain the execution result. True
    tunnel.limited_instance_tunnel Limit the number of results obtained by Instance Tunnel. True
    tunnel.string_as_binary Use bytes instead of unicode in the string type. False
  • DataFrame Configurations
    Option Description Default value
    interactive Whether in an interactive environment. Depend on the detection value
    df.analyze Whether to enable non-MaxCompute built-in functions. True
    df.optimize Whether to enable DataFrame overall optimization. True
    df.optimizes.pp Whether to enable DataFrame predicate push optimization. True
    df.optimizes.cp Whether to enable DataFrame column tailoring optimization. True
    df.optimizes.tunnel Whether to enable DataFrame tunnel optimization. True
    df.quote Whether to use “ to mark fields and table names at the end of MaxCompute SQL. True
    df.libraries Third-party library (resource name) that is used for DataFrame running. None
  • PyODPS ML Configurations
    Option Description Default value
    ml.xflow_project Default Xflow project name. algo_public
    ml.use_model_transfer Whether to use ModelTransfer to obtain the model PMML. True
    ml.model_volume Volume name used when ModelTransfer is used. pyodps_volume


In this blog, you’ve got to see a bit more about Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute PyODPS to take advantage of all of the features included in MaxCompute to help kickstart your data processing and analytics workflow.

Alibaba Cloud MaxComputeData AnalysisDataFrameDataFrame FrameworkMaxCompute ObjectsMaxCompute PyODPSPyODPSPython SDKPython SDK of MaxCompute
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