Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute Resources

The big data computing service (MaxCompute, formerly called ODPS) is a fast and fully hosted GB/TB/PB level data warehouse solution.

The big data computing service (MaxCompute, formerly called ODPS) is a fast and fully hosted GB/TB/PB level data warehouse solution. MaxCompute supports a variety of classic distributed computing models that enable you to solve massive data calculation problems while reducing business costs, and maintaining data security.

MaxCompute seamlessly integrates with DataWorks, which provides one-stop data synchronization, task development, data workflow development, data operation and maintenance, and data management for MaxCompute.

MaxCompute is mainly used to store and compute batches of structured data. It provides a massive range of data warehouse solutions as well as big data analysis and modeling services. As data collection techniques are becoming increasingly diverse and comprehensive,industries are amassing larger and larger volumes of data. The scale of data has increased to the level of massive data (100 GB, TB and even PB) that traditional software industry can not carry.

Given these massive data volumes, the limited processing capacity of a single server has prompted analysts to move towards distributed computing. However, distributed computing models are not easy to maintain and demand highly-qualified data analysts. When using a distributed model,data analysts not only need to understand their business needs, but also must be familiar with the underlying computing model. The purpose of MaxCompute is to provide you with a convenient way of analyzing and processing mass data, and you can achieve the purpose of analyzing large data without having to care about the details of distributed computing.


Product advantage

  • Large-scale computing and storage

    MaxCompute is suitable for the storage and processing of large volumes of data (up to PB-level).

  • Multiple computational models

    MaxCompute supports data processing methods based on SQL, MapReduce, Graph, MPI iteration algorithm, and other programming models.

  • Strong data security

    MaxCompute has stabilized all offline analysis for all Alibaba Group’s business for more than seven years, providing multilayer sandbox protection and monitoring.

  • Cost-effective

    MaxCompute can help reduce procurement costs by 20%-30% compared with on-premises private cloud models.


MaxCompute is a big data computing service that provides multiple built-in computing models to meet a wide range of data analysis requirements. This topic lists the enabling status of these computing models in different regions.

Region SQL MapReduce Spark
China (Beijing) Enabled Enabled Enabled
China (Hangzhou) Enabled Enabled Enabled
China (Shanghai) Enabled Enabled Enabled
China (Shenzhen) Enabled Enabled Enabled
China (Chengdu) Enabled Enabled Enabled
China (Hong Kong) Enabled Enabled Enabled
Singapore Enabled Enabled Enabled
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Enabled Enabled Enabled
Indonesia (Jakarta) Enabled Enabled Enabled
Australia (Sydney) Enabled Enabled Enabled
Japan (Tokyo) Enabled Enabled Enabled
US (Silicon Valley) Enabled Enabled Enabled
US (Virginia) Enabled Enabled Enabled
Germany (Frankfurt) Enabled Enabled Enabled
India (Mumbai) Enabled Enabled Enabled
UK (London) Enabled Enabled Enabled

The concept of resources

Resources is a concept that is unique to MaxCompute. To accomplish tasks using user-defined functions, or MapReduce, you must use resources.

  • SQL UDF: After writing a UDF, you must compile it as a Jar package and upload the package to MaxCompute as a resource.  Then, when you run this UDF, MaxCompute automatically downloads its corresponding JAR package to obtain the written code.  The JAR package is one type of MaxCompute resource.
  • MapReduce: After writing a MapReduce program, you must compile it as a Jar package and upload the package to MaxCompute as a resource.  Then, when running a MapReduce job, the MapReduce framework automatically downloads the corresponding JAR package and obtain the written code. You can upload text files and MaxCompute tables to MaxCompute as different types of resources. Then, you can read or use these resources when running UDF or MapReduce.

Resource type

MaxCompute provides interfaces for you to read and use resources.

The max size that MaxCompute support for single resource is 500MB. Types of MaxCompute resources include:

  • File
  • Table: tables in MaxCompute
  • Jar type, which is compiled Java JAR packages
  • Archive type, which is the compression type, and is determined by the resource name suffix. Supported compression types include: .zip/.tgz/.tar.gz/.tar/jar

Add a resource

Command format:

add file <local_file> [as alias] [comment 'cmt'][-f];
add archive <local_file> [as alias] [comment 'cmt'][-f];
add table <table_name> [partition <(spec)>] [as alias] [comment 'cmt'][-f];
add jar <local_file.jar> [comment 'cmt'][-f];


  • file/archive/table/jar: Indicates the resource type. For more information, see Resources.
  • local_file: Indicates path of the local file, and uses this file name as the resource name. Resource name also acts as a unique identifier of a resource.
  • table_name: Indicates table name in MaxCompute. Currently, external tables cannot be added into resource.
  • [PARTITION  (spec)]: When the resource to be added is a partition table, MaxCompute only supports taking a partition as a resource, not the entire partition table.
  • alias: Specifies a resource name. If this parameter is not specified, the file name is used as a resource name by default. Jar and Python resources do not support this function.
  • [comment ‘cmt’]: Adds a comment for the resource.
  • [-f]: If a name is duplicated, this parameter can be added as a substitute to the original resource. If this parameter is not specified and the duplicate resource name exists, the operation fails.


odps@ odps_public_dev>add table sale_detail partition (ds='20150602') as sale.res comment 'sale detail on 20150602' -f;
OK: Resource 'sale.res' have been updated.
---Add a resource named sale.res in MaxCompute.



Delete a resource

Command format:

DROP RESOURCE <resource_name>; --resource_name:a specified resource name.

View the resource list

Command format:



View all resources in the current project.


odps@ $project_name>list resources;
Resource Name Comment Last Modified Time Type
1234.txt 2014-02-27 07:07:56 file
mapred.jar 2014-02-27 07:07:57 jar

Download resources

Use the following command format to download resources:

GET RESOURCE <resource_name> <path>;


Download resources to your local device. The resource type must be file, jar, archive, or py.


odps@ $project_name>get resource odps-udf-examples.jar d:\;


In this blog, you’ve got to see a bit more about Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute Resources to take advantage of all of the features included in MaxCompute to help kickstart your data processing and analytics workflow.

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